Monday, February 28, 2011

Thoughts for the Day

Sometimes there are bad days. And that is ok. Today didn't start off that rough, but it certainly ended that way. I am not one of those people that can take criticism well, never have been, probably never will be....especially when it comes from someone I love. Today was just that. I was "put in my place" by someone I dearly love. You know how sometimes you just roll through life "kicking asses and taking names" and you think all is well...and then suddenly, you realize you've been running someone over or doing something you were against, without even realizing it? Well...that happened to me today. And all I can really say is that I am SO sorry to this person for hurting her, but I am SO grateful that she was honest enough to tell me how she felt. We all need to be held accountable by our loved ones, and even when it sucks and you end up crying in your sushi (yes really, I was one of THOSE girls today) it is worth it...because it helps me to be a better person. I believe that with every day we are alive, every day we grow and learn and today was no exception.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Reading IS cool!

I have to admit that I was not a huge reader growing up. As the child of an elementary school teacher, you would think my mom would have instilled in me a great love of learning through reading....however, I avoided reading at all costs. I can't remember reading anything more than "Cliff's Notes" in high school and can probably count on two hands the titles of books I have actually read cover to cover. Here goes....Ethan Frome, Sarah Plain & Tall, Cold Sassy Tree, Reba: The Autobiography, The Catcher in the Rye, He's Just Not That Into You, Be Honest: You're Not That Into Him Either, Burnt Toast, Something Borrowed, now that I actually have thought about it maybe I have read more books than I thought :-) (In case you were wondering the above list is not a completed one) But, my eyes were not open to good reading until a friend recommended the author, Elin Hildebrand. So, because I got a Kindle late last year I decided I might as well try it out. And so I was hooked. I have thoroughly enjoyed every single book I have read so far that Hildebrand has written. Based in Nantucket, all of the books are written so well that even me, the "non reader" has learned to love reading. My favorite so far is what I have learned to be one of her newest novels, The Island, a story of a mother and her two daughters who spend a summer month together learning to love each others quirks. These books have held my attention more than ANY other books I have read and I can't wait to read all her books. So all you ladies planning to lay at the pool all summer, put down your Glamour magazines and dive into a descriptive, captivating Hildebrand novel. I love these books so much I have future plans to start a book club...and for me that is a HUGE step. HAPPY READING!!!

And as a final note, I saw the picture of Jennifer Aniston's new haircut today...and am now inspired to get rid of my long locks and sport her newest hairstyle. Sure, I'm a total follower of her but who else has more beautiful hair?

Monday, February 21, 2011

Gorgeous Days Ahead

The past week has been a whirlwind of happy moments. A surprise homecooked Valentine's Day dinner cooked yes, by MY enormous & delicious edible arrangement delivery for my birthday...a birthday "happy hour" with my bff, a 76 degrees & sunny day of shopping with my aunt...mimosas with my favorite ladies followed by a reunion with our good friend (who moved to Maryland last September) for her bridal shower...and not to mention the absolutely incredible early Spring weather we've had. I have "powerwalked" almost every day for a week! Walking has always been my favorite form of exercise...since I am not a runner, and have no aspirations to be, walking is perfect and not to mention a "lifelong" way to exercise. (Minus the joint problems chronic runners are sure to face later in life!) My sweet Grandma has always walked every day, and I am positive that is part of the reason she is still alive and well at almost 88 years of age. I learned how to use a big fancy stroller this week also, which I hate to admit, but gave me HUGE baby fever! I took the little girl I nanny out for walks and she loved it! And I must admit it really was a great butt/legs were SO sore the next couple days! It's a good thing, because I need to get to working on my bathing suit body :-)  So, I am looking forward to more and more days outside as the weather gets even better. And better weather means the beacccchhhhh!!!! I CANT WAIT!!!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

In honor of Valentine's day tomorrow I thought I would post some of the pictures of the people I love. I had a great weekend...including my first birthday party in 4 years, gorgeous Carolina blue skies and mild temperatures, and quality time with my husband. I am looking forward to this week (my birthday is Thursday!, my aunt and uncle are coming to visit (Homegoods shopping spree!!) and a good friend's bridal shower on Saturday.  Because I am working tomorrow I decided I'd blog today for the holiday. After all, I had a Valentine's lunch with my hubby and MIL after today might as well be the day :-)

 First and foremost-

This is one of my favorite pictures from my wedding. Brandon and I have been together almost 4 years, and every year we have grown into a better couple. I love him more than anything in the world and look forward to all the years ahead of us. 

My sister is one of the most important people in my life. She has been a mother, teacher, mentor and much much more to me. She is truly an inspiration to me in everything she does. We have grown so close these last couple of years and I am so thankful to have her in my life. 

My precious parents! I know I sometimes take them granted...but I am one of the few people in the world blessed with amazing, loving parents. They were high school sweethearts and have been married like 100 years. They taught me about unconditional love and the importance of family love. I have them to thank for guiding me in a Christian life and instilling the values I needed to find my own true love. 

Like Brandon and I, Lindsay and I were "set up" to be friends. We've been best friends pretty much since the moment we met in the NICU. She is always there to listen, laugh, play and be serious when I need her to. We think so much a like that I really can't imagine my life without her. She might as well be classified as my long lost sister AND best friend. I love you Linny!

Note: of course I have other friends that I love too, but for the sake of time & space I only put one of Lindsay and I from this weekend :-)

I never knew how much love I had in my heart for animals. Above is a picture of my sweet Bella. Since adopting my two kitties I have really learned what it means to have unconditional love for an animal. I used to think those people who took they're animals everywhere and spoiled them, etc. were crazy. And now I am one of them. Below is my big guy, Vino...both cats were adopted from the Cabarrus County Humane Society. I HIGHLY recommend this place if you are considering adopting a cat. And PLEASE do...kitties are such wonderful, loving pets and you don't have to take them outside in the cold & rain!

OK, so Vin isn't a classy poser like Bella...but he's a big loving Teddy Bear and such a fun kitty!
Alright, so that about wraps it up. I hope you all have a fabulous Valentine's day and are able to express to those you love that even in the midst of the chocolate, champagne, hearts and roses, that you love them unconditionally, everyday...not just Valentine's day!

Monday, February 7, 2011

All Things Pink

Well friends, Valentine's Day is ONE WEEK from today. Are you ready? NOTE: If you are one of those Valentine naysayers you might as well skip reading this blog entry. I am one of those people that likes Valentine's day. Not only now that I am happily married to my forever lovie, but because it's a special day to show all of the people you love, that you love them. I have fond memories of elementary school Valentine's parties, grocery store rose bouquets from middle/high school boyfriends and of course the smell of the huge red roses my dad has gotten my mom every year. Now that I am married Brandon and I have our own little traditions. Every year he makes me my favorite...chocolate covered strawberries, I coax him to sip sparkling wine with me and we go out to eat somewhere. That may not sound romantic, but we don't need an elaborate show of diamonds, red candles and cherry cough syrup smelling edible body oils to celebrate. One of my favorite things about my husband is that he shows me he loves me every day, not with flowers, candy, gifts, etc...but when he makes me laugh and forget about the bad mood I'm in, or "slaves" over a hot supper for us (even if it is fish sticks and french fries). Anyway, I haven't really been in the Valentine mood yet until today. Look at these finds I discovered to add a little cupid to our house...

 This new fragranced candle from Yankee Candle Co. smells light and slightly rosey, not too strong, but like there's a flower bouquet hidden somewhere in the house.

Kind of a bad pic, but this Valentine tea towel is presh. I got it of course at Homegoods. I like subtle holiday decorations (with the exception of Christmas). AND MY FAVORITE......

So you can barely tell in this picture but these are PINK champagne flutes that I bought at Crate and Barrel today. They are absolutely diva/fabulous/festive. I can't wait to pop the cork on my favorite sparkling wine, Martini & Rossi Asti Spumante next week :-)

And to complete my pink pre-Valentine's day blog entry..


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Annnnd it's my Friday!

Just a quick little blurb to sum up this weekend/today....

1. I am SO glad tonight is the Superbowl (GOOO STEELERS!!) because football clogging up the good TV channels is a huge annoyance to me. So long meat heads...see you in the Fall!!

2. I had a wonderful weekend at work. I am SO thankful for my job, for the advances in medicine that make it possible for us to save kids that never would have made it even 5 years ago, and for the coworkers I have that make me laugh and try my best in many uncomfortable situations. I NEVER once thought I'd be a "baby nurse" while I was in nursing school, but now I am not sure I ever want to do anything else :-)

3. I miss my family. It's been almost 2 months since Christmas and I REALLY miss them. I think it's time for a weekend trip to Annapolis/Richmond/New Bern. When it's all said and done, family is what's left. 

That's all for tonight, I'm tired...and now that halftime is over I think I'm heading to the bed. Nighty night!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Thoughts for the Day

A few random things I need to get off my mind today while I take an intermission from cleaning my house. 

1. Is anyone else totally grossed out by the "serve yourself" yogurt places that seem to be a growing trend? We have a new favorite yogurt place in Huntersville, Red Mango The yogurt is all natural, nonfat and its pleasantly a little different than the typical dairy based frozen yogurt. My favorite flavor is Vanilla but Coconut is a close second. My husband loves the Pomegranate flavor. Anyway, I can't stand going there and watching all the snotty little kids handle every single yogurt dispensing lever, and then every single topping spoon. Sure, there is hand sanitizer on the wall but I have NEVER seen anyone use it when I have been in there. Gross. Just gross. I like being able to get how much or how little I want, but I think I'd rather have the teenager behind the counter wear plastic gloves and serve me instead of catch a cold, the flu or worse from one of the hundreds of dirty hands handling the yogurt machines. 

2. Can they PLEASE hurry up on the Earthfare in Huntersville? I am tired of waiting. I need a bright, organized, clean, new inspiration for buying fruits and veggies....which I desperately need to eat more of. I am exhausted of the same old Harris Teeter routine which includes a very small organic fruit and veggie section. Ugh!

3. Puppy vs. Older Dog... so the disagreement continues. B and I have been throwing around the idea of getting a dog for a couple months now. I have never had a dog of my own and really want to add one to our family. We finally agreed on probably a large breed family dog... preferably a golden retriever. I would really like to find a good breeder, pay the money and pick out a precious pup to bring to our home. Brandon however, has had many dogs in his lifetime and has no desire to deal with the "puppy days". He thinks we should get a dog that is already trained and "established". That's all well and good, but I want those special bonding moments of a momma with her know what I mean, the snuggling, the careful training, the learning to walk around the neighborhood and the peeing and pooping accidents are just going to have to be a part of that. I don't see what the big deal is, B has never once had to clean out the litter box or cleaned up cat puke. And I am happy to add that to my repertoire. Am I just completely naive? I want to be able to "raise" a puppy to do what I want her too, name her what I want to, and teach her things older dogs may not know or like? Somebody help me plead my case!