Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Thoughts for the Day

So I'm tired from a long day of answering a million questions shot at me from a parent who has just had her 5th baby. Not just normal, "my baby is early and in the scary intensive care unit" questions, but ridiculous, quirky questions like "Is my baby's wiener really this (as she's holding her pointer finger and thumb about a centimeter apart) small?"...I mean REALLY lady, your baby's genitals should be the least of your worries, oh bad, you have lost custody of all your other why are you even bothering to ask me about this baby? UGH...i love my job, but sometimes it can be really frustrating. Especially when parents pick up on your frustrations and either get really angry at you and demand a new nurse, or...maybe worse, continue with their antics.  Anyway, since I'm a little "on edge" tonight here are my thoughts for the day...

1. I may have misjudged myself when I decided to take a second job and work 5 days a week. I REALLY want to lay on the sofa all day tomorrow.
2. American Idol is starting its 10th season tonight and although I promised myself I wouldn't watch, I can't bare to change the channel. I STILL love JLo and Steven Tyler, even though they've stooped to the level of being judges on American Idol.
3. I got my new Spring Boden catalog today :-) :-) :-)
4. I found out today 2 more people at work are pregnant. I am definitely bringing my own water from now on.

Nighty night!!

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